Tag Archives: multimedia

5 Steps to Multimedia Story Telling

23 Nov

This week in PRCA3330 students completed Poynter News University’s module titled Five Steps to Multimedia Storytelling.

To begin with there are 5 steps to multimedia story telling and they include:

  1. Choosing a Story
  2. Making a Story Board
  3. Reporting with Multimedia
  4. Editing for the Web
  5. Producing the Story

Students learned that when it comes to choosing a story, don’t think in terms of this comes first then this comes second.  Instead segment the story and think of it as this part and that part.

Before you report your story it is smart to create a story board.  A story board will assist in defining the parameters of your story, help you organize and focus your story, determine which medium goes with each element of the story, and help you figure out what resources you need to complete the story.

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